terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2009

Reciclando garrafas pet - idéias e design

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cascade, floor to ceiling light shade by michelle brand

PET project by miwa koizumi

‘bottle-eyeglasses’ design by suning chen from chinahttp://www.designboom.com/contest/view.php?contest_pk=6&item_pk=2301&p=2

RE-think + RE-cycle
name of design : re pet _ drink/cut/re-use
design by : laura curzi + Design Juice from italy

gerd rohling ( krefeld, 1946)

name of design : watering can
design by : nicolas le moigne from switzerland

title: CYRANO DE BERGERAC# : 169
hagay harduff + oren shtosser from israel

PET bottle containers by miriam mitsuko utsumi

create a romantic touch for your home withwater bottle candle holders(designboom' s own)

eduardo pereira de carvalho’s PET bottle boathttp://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/09/wip_eduardo_de.php

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